Osvaldo Delbrey Ortiz

💡️ Projects
  1. Ecosystems of Dissent
  2. Fringe Timber
  3. School for the Communer Nation
  4. Pop Vernacular
  5. Uncanny Storytellers
  6. Traces
  7. Garden of Delusion
  8. Sites Queer Exhibition
  9. Makergraph Book
  10. Snippets

🔨️ Making
  1. Models
  2. Objects

💻 Editorial
  1. Patio Magazine
  2. Log / Anyone Corp
  3. New York Review of Architecture
  4. Events

🙋🏽‍♂️ODO—Info ︎
  • Osvaldo Delbrey is a Puerto Rican architectural designer and a wannabe editor. From design to editorial, his work focuses on understanding the politics of architecture, making sense of coloniality in Latin America and the Caribbean, and finding beauty in the banal.

  • Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.  
    — Master of Architecture

  • University of Puerto Rico School of Architecture
    — B.S. Environmental Design

    Instagram ︎
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    8. Sites Queer Exhibition

            A project of Regner Ramos, Ph.D

    SJ/ 2017
    From Sites Queer

               Queer spaces in San Juan are often ephimeral, appropriating heteronormative public spaces and queering them through short-term, non-straight spatial practices, artistic performances, nightime activities, and cultural events. The appropiation of urban spaces by queer Puerto Ricans carries on a legacy which dates back to the 1960s, when the first queer urban circuits where identified and documented—at times illicitly—to fulfill a series of needs: visibility, rights, work, sociability, desire, and sex.

    The show included selection of sites materialized as architectural models and a series of map drawings creating a spatial cartography of ephimeral queer spaces. My assistance involved the production of these models and preparations for the exhibition.
